HBP 139: Pot Comedian


“Make life suck less, and we’ll smoke less weed.”

It’s May and we’re back to check in on the state of drug policy and marijuana. How’s it looking since we last looked? Pretty much the same. Not so great. That’s ok though, we have some great stories to talk about this evening. The next show will be next month, so make sure to follow us on Twitter and the rest of the social networks. We always post before we start a live show. Thanks for checking out episode 139 of the Hot Box. Here’s some notes.

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HBP 135: Failure to Communicate


“There’s this thing, it’s called Science.”

Time for another awesomely entertaining informative episode of our weekly cannabis / marijuana podcast, the Hot Box. On tonight’s episode we go through some marijuana news, as we like to do. Polls? Check. Facts? Check. Funny back and forth banter? Check. This episode pretty much has it all, so if your looking for it all, tap / click that play button and start listening. We also have a new Google+ community you can post stories for us to talk about. Come virtually hangout with us throughout the week.

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HBP 126: Intimidating and Scary


“He throws a really good party, it’s too bad he’s gay.”

Here we go, it’s another informative educational episode of your favorite weekly marijuana talk show, the Hot Box. I’m Mat Lee joined by Ian Baker, at it once again talking about the good stuff. This episode is going to be a little different than what you might be used to. On Monday I’m going to Mexico to partake in some Ibogaine therapy. From what I’ve been reading, this is hopefully going to be the cure I’ve been looking for. If you want some more back story, check out the latest episode of the Buffer Overflow Show. We talk all about it. I hope my story helps anyone out there who might be struggling with opiate addiction, and thinks they are out of solutions. I’ll be posting updates from Mexico on Google+ and Twitter. If you want to follow this trip I’m going on Monday, follow me online. If you have any questions, reach out and I’ll be happy to help.

Continue reading “HBP 126: Intimidating and Scary”

HBP 125: Temporary Hope


“Sucking dick for drugs is not cool kids.”

Hello and welcome to another episode of your favorite weekly marijuana podcast, The Hot Box. Mat Lee here joined by Ian Baker as usual. Join us on episode 125 of the Hot Box as we pick apart and analyze more cannabis / marijuana news, informing you on the points the mainstream media is too well paid to touch. Guess what? We’re not paid at all, which means nothing is off limits. We’ll blow the lid off whatever, because that’s how we roll. Keep on reading for some show notes.

Continue reading “HBP 125: Temporary Hope”

HBP 122: Socratic Conversation


“There is no such thing as truth, there’s only what we know to be true right now.”

Hello and welcome to another extreme episode of our weekly marijuana podcast, the Hot Box. Extreme Mat Lee here joined by Extreme Baker, and on this extremely extreme episode of the Hot Box we discuss corporations steering election outcomes, Ian’s lack of satisfaction in life, our failing education system, the ignorant public, some religious nonsense, and of course more bath salt marijuana zombie apocalypse chatter. All this and so much more on episode 122 of the Hot Box. Thanks for listening and tap the read more to, well… Read more!

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HBP 121: Cozy Blanket of Protection


“I consume some cannabis, and I can sleep.”

It’s the Hot Box marijuana podcast, your favorite weekly internet talk show focused on the cannabis plant, the culture, and this failed drug war we find ourselves in the middle of. Mat Lee here as usual, joined by Ian Baker, and in this episode of the Hot Box we start the show with a discussion about Fibromyalgia and cannabis as a legitimate treatment. After that we talk about politicized science and Drug Enforcement Administrator Michele Leonhart’s comments about which drugs are better than others. Then we discuss the great corrupted flip flop that is the Obama Administration, and how you can fool the masses into voting for you. It’s the brand new HOT BOX EXXXTREME! Now with more talking. We’re just here to blow your mind. Tap more and keep on reading for some show notes. As always, follow the Hot Box on Twitter, the Facebook page, and Google+ to find out when our live marijuana podcast starts. Hot Box TV baby, Hot Box tv!

Continue reading “HBP 121: Cozy Blanket of Protection”