Hot Box Podcast 233: Score Marks and Scratches


rdabs subreddit

Welcome back to another episode of the Hot Box podcast. Today on the show we go through some r/Dabs subreddit posts, then talk about some weed related news. News stories include: Massachusetts can’t test enough weed, how to avoid blasted weed, West Virginia wants to tax the absolute crap out of weed, and so much more. Hit the link below for the show notes, and thanks for listening!

Are y’all into crypto currency? Have you heard about Hoge yet? This coin is making a lot of us smile right now. It could definitely be worth checking out.

Hit the Free Lunch Discord here if you want more weed / glass / investing related chats.

Thank you to everyone streaming Mat’s new album Project Survival! It’s broken 5,000 streams!

Don’t forget to come hang out in the r/Dabs Discord. Sometimes we have movie nights!

From r/Dabs

u/Tsushimaa posted 5 grams of some Banana Puffy #7.

u/rockerbox posted a question about CRC. You know we’re all about answering CRC related questions.

u/MyBellyCanTalk posted an Arizona tea rig.

u/redrastafar1 posted some interesting looking slab porn. Is this dabs or cheese?

u/bitterwithalilsweet posted about a new dab podcast! Let’s show some love to the Dab Den. Check out their YouTube channel here.

u/Cannapuffin posted some interesting research on some 4 or 5 month old dabs.

u/oTRML posted a question about dabbing too hot. What do y’all think?

u/boithatcomeshere posted some amazing looking poop soup from the cali plug.

u/leifliz posted about getting their first dab rig.

In the News

Massachusetts is currently one of the few legal cannabis states east of the Rockies and the only one on the East Coast, excluding the recent entry New Jersey.

Y’all smoking on that blasted weed?

The governor of West Virginia isn’t personally a fan of marijuana legalization, but for the second time in a week, he said that he’d support the reform if the legislature sent a bill to his desk.

In the “What the fuck did I just watch” segment, WTF did I just watch?

Shout out to all the boosters in the Discord server!

Thanks for checking out the show, subscribe on iTunesStitcher, and we’re also on Spotify!

Check out the video from the live show below once it’s posted and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Author: Mat Lee

Dab lab rat and rap writer. Creating dope shit since the chromosome split.