HBP 182: The Interviewer



Welcome back to another episode. This one is a little different. Some of you may or may not know, but I recently started a new line of work. Medical cannabis in Washington ended on July 1st, and thus my job running the lab. No worries though, because the magazine I was writing for in my spare time scooped me up and sent me packing to the Imperious Expo + Directory in Tacoma to get some content created.

This is super cool for a bunch of reasons. Mostly because I get to go around and check out all the dope cannabis business stuff, rec shops, labs, and grows. This also is great for the Hot Box, because while I’m out there gathering content for the magazine, I’ll be doing the same for this! I know right? Win. Win. Tap the read more for links and information on everyone in the episode.


So here’s some audio from my way back to Washington from Montana. I stopped and got a chance to hang out with our good friend and patient advocate, Talyn Lang. He gets us up to date with all the back and forth in regards to Montana’s medical cannabis program. The first 25 minutes or so is this discussion.

After that you’ll hear some audio from the Imperious Expo + Directory. I chat with Vaporous, Grow for Vets, CBD Extracts, and wait for it… Wait for it… CHARLO GREENE! I know right? Be jealous. I don’t think I’ve ever been that nervous during an interview. She is something else, and a force to be reckoned with.

You can find all the pictures I took at the conference here in my Google Photo’s album. I’ve also written up pieces on a bunch of exhibitors for the Cannabiz Journal. You can find the digital version here.



From building six second race cars to some of the coolest vape tech in the industry. They can make you custom cartridges and pens, from idea to sitting in your hot little hand about to blast one off. This chat is about five minutes.

Grow for Vets


This group is amazing. They get cannabis from people who are willing to donate to the cause. Then they give it to the veterans who need it. Best ever right? Except for one silly little minor hiccup. You can’t actually do that in Washington. Why? Because people who make the laws have a lot of work to do, and sometimes they accidentally leave something out. Right? Yeah sure. This is definitely something to get behind. This interview is about 13 minutes long.

CBD Extracts


This guy was an interesting fella. I couldn’t really find much information on his company or anything, but he was definitely fun to talk to. This lasts for about eight minutes.

Charlo Greene


Seriously you guys, I got to sit down and chat with the one and only Charlo Greene. I can’t even tell you how awesome it was. Which is weird, since it’s kind of turned into my job to tell you all how awesome shit is. But yeah, she’s out on bail and roaming the country preaching the good word of cannabis.

Further than that, she’s starting a couple of movements to fix the lack of diversity in the cannabis industry. There’s a lot of obstacles for minorities who are trying to get their part of the American dream. Even more so when part of that dream involves a federally illegal plant. Weird right? Federally illegal plant. Say that with me. Federally illegal plant. That shit sounds silly as fuck. It’s a plant, we should all have access to it as humans on this plant. It really is that simple. This chat takes us till the end of the episode.

Thank you so much to everyone who gave up some time to chat with me. I’ve met some exceptional people during my time in this industry. They’ve opened up their hearts, homes, and minds to me.

For me, you can keep up with what I’m doing day to day on my Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook pages. Thanks for listening and we’ll chat soon.

Author: Mat Lee

Dab lab rat and rap writer. Creating dope shit since the chromosome split.