HBP 107: Supply and Demand


“How is that not organized crime?”

Show of hands, who here smokes marijuana? Are you addicted? Do you have a drug problem? Well, maybe you do and maybe you don’t. Either way, I’m not here to judge. I’m here to write and talk, to rap and love, and in the process inform the good people of the world that hey, this is how our country handles it’s drug policy. You got a problem with that? Yea, so do we. That’s why we gather here each week to have intelligent discussions focused on cannabis, and how the industry can make a positive difference in their communities. So sit back, blaze one, and enjoy this weeks episode of the Hot Box.

Continue reading “HBP 107: Supply and Demand”

HBP 106: Marijuana Killed Him


“What if he was out there slinging rocks?”

Welcome to another fun filled educational episode of everyone’s favorite cannabis podcast, The Hot Box! We work hard to bring you informative marijuana information that you care about each and every week. There’s so many things wrong with how people who smoke marijuana are treated, and with how the plant itself is treated. Keep reading after the break for our good friend Denton Ramsey from the CannaTruths podcast writing about how hemp and cannabis can change the world. Keep reading after the column for show notes and links on what we talked about in the show. Over to you Denton.

Continue reading “HBP 106: Marijuana Killed Him”

Ep 105: Devil Weed


“We need the states and the attorney generals of the states to stand up for their rights as sovereign states.”

Welcome to episode 105 of the Hot Box marijuana podcast. Each week we discuss recent cannabis news, interesting marijuana related topics, and answer general questions about society. Join us each week live on Hot Box TV to participate in the live recording via our chat room. In this episode we would like to welcome distnguished LEAP member, Stephen Downing. The topic at hand is from this LEAP article about how YouTube ignored a question advocating marijuana legalization from a retired LAPD deputy chief of police that won twice as many votes as any other video question in the White House’s “Your Interview with the President” competition on the Google-owned site.

Continue reading “Ep 105: Devil Weed”