Ep 8: Public Comment


“I’d put a marijuana leaf tattoo on my face for a million dollars.”

Hello there and welcome to numero ocho of the Hotbox Podcast.  This is going a lot better then we ever could have imagined. Thank you all so much for listening and encouraging your friends to listen.  There is a lot going on right now in this beautiful world of medical marijuana and we will keep you up to date on everything.  We love having people come in and share their wealth of knowledge, so email info@hotboxpodcast.com and let us know if you or someone else would like to take part in a show!!  We had another guest on the show today, Ed from the Tamarack Dispensary so light up and get ready for a super fun show one and all!!

Continue reading “Ep 8: Public Comment”

Ep 5: Protested


“Do you think there’s pot here? Oh shoot, I have to go.”

We are five whole shows old now, that’s one whole hand worth of fingers!  It’s been a week since the last time we smoked out but both Mat and I have been busy handling those pesky petitioners trying to repeal Initiative 148 (who didn’t get the signatures they needed by a long shot from my understanding).  Mat actually had the opportunity to “interview” one of them with his phone while they stood outside with a child trying to collect signatures.  I had the amazing opportunity to have either the ballsiest or dumbest one in the world actually walk into my clinic… Yes, my MEDICAL MARIJUANA clinic, to ask for signatures.  Then after being told to leave let me know she thought my place smelled bad. Way to be a grown up about this, two thumbs up.  At least we’re not fighting against smart people, it might make things more difficult. Now, on with the show!

Continue reading “Ep 5: Protested”