HBP 136: Potato Gun Weed


“This is now a dog training podcast.”

Welcome back to another fun and informative episode of your favorite weekly marijuana podcast, the Hot Box. It’s been about a month but we’re back to share with you our views on this failing war on drugs. On tonight’s episode we talk about Oregon California and Florida’s state level legalization attempts, the DEA getting their budget cut, some cool psychedelic research, why anti marijuana groups can’t tell the truth, and so much more. Thanks for listening!

Continue reading “HBP 136: Potato Gun Weed”

HBP 132: The M Word


“What do we as American’s value?”

Alright check this out, another week, another fresh episode of your favorite weekly marijuana podcast, The Hot Box. Mat Lee here with some show notes for episode 132. Sorry about the delay while we got another co host together, but I think Kelsie has been doing a great job the last two episodes, so we might as well keep her. You would think it’s not that hard to find someone who can have a somewhat intelligent recorded conversation about cannabis / marijuana, but then you would be surprised. Most people are just weird about having what they say about weed be recorded. I blame the negative stigma the government has drilled into everyone’s head for that one. But seriously, we’re just here to inform, educate, and entertain. If we do at least one of those things each episode, our mission is accomplished. Keep on reading for links to articles. Thanks for listening!

Continue reading “HBP 132: The M Word”