HBP 120: Political Armageddon


“You have to help the community, and that’s your punishment.”

Welcome to another thought provoking educational episode of the Hot Box, your favorite weekly marijuana podcast. We have a great show for you this evening, talking about everything from prescription drug abusing to Rhode Island taking another small step in the right direction. Keep on reading for some notes, and be sure to check out the Hot Box subreddit over at hotboxpodcast.com/subreddit where you can submit and vote up and down stories. We’ll start using this to pick our speaking points, so participate and help write the show. Thanks for listening!

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HBP 119: Spoiler Alert


“Why did god give me an ass if he didn’t want me to sit on it?”

Hello and welcome to another educational cannabis / marijuana filled episode of the Hot Box. Yes, in case you didn’t know, the drug war is still on and popping with no stop in sight. So do what you have to in order to stay safe, and by safe, I mean out of the prison system. For some reason, after doing this show for a while, it seems to me, and maybe this was blatantly obvious to most of you, but the prison system plays a huge role in all of this. It’s the prison system that eats these peoples lives, destroys families, etc… Or more importantly, it’s the people who have the most to benefit by the prison system running smoothly that are doing the destroying.

Sure, there are some nasty people out there, and they should be locked up or destroyed or whatever you do to people who have nothing else to give society and have become a detriment. But for the most part, the people who fill this system are non violent drug offenders. What happens when you lock up non violent people with violent people? Take a wild guess. I can promise you it’s not rehabilitation. But you already knew that, because you listen to this show, ergo, you are smart. Or at least pretend to be. Thanks for listening, and keep on reading for some notes.

Continue reading “HBP 119: Spoiler Alert”

HBP 118: Blaming Society


“You wouldn’t have much to say would you? Especially about David Howard.”

In this episode we discuss a drug that almost fits the Reefer madness propaganda the government has been brainwashing the people of the nation with for the last century. Of all the lies our government has filled our heads about in regards to marijuana, none of them are true. But, there is a drug problem that is really starting to live up to the hype. Ladies and gentleman, I present the one, OxyContin. But fear not, we don’t focus on this alone, on episode 118 we even talk about some medical marijuana, cannabis, and herb news. Did you know Obama was a pot head in school? Keep reading on for links to articles and a great

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